The Top 10 Things Great Bosses Do


Do you want to know how to become a great leader and boss? Learn from outstanding managers’ traits, routines, and simple excellent principles.

The Co-founder of Dimensions HRD Consultants, Anish Handa, asserts that “Good bosses make everyone’s life better.” You may develop your leadership abilities through practice. We asked managers from many fields to list the qualities that the most admired leaders possess.


1. They should be trusted by the employees.

Employees must have faith in their boss to act in their best professional interests. Bosses must trust their staff to make the best decisions they can, to ask questions when they are unsure, and to act in the best interests of the firm.

2. They Understand You Have a Life.

Find out a little bit about everyone’s lives outside of work. It may enable you to comprehend their advantages and difficulties better. A happier, more healthy workplace might result from positive behavior modeling.

3. They have the power to inspire

Bosses must be able to encourage both teams and individuals. They must listen for what could be of interest to their staff, as well as successfully recognize and capitalize on their abilities. And they must assist them in identifying chances for advancement, not just presenting ideas but also encouraging them to act.

4. They assist you in finding value in your work.

To keep their team inspired, engaged, and enthusiastic, a good leader reminds them of the why behind the task. A clear vision can also assist in managing hard choices. When a boss connects the day-to-day to a larger mission, it is clear what crosses the line.

5. They give opportunities for development.

Genuine and specific praise is a great way for the boss to motivate their employees. Although they take care to frame it in a way that is kind and constructive, they are also not hesitant to offer critical feedback. They also support their employees in achieving their individual professional objectives.

6. They Make Personal Investments in You

Showing employees that you understand their career path extends beyond this one job will encourage them to stay with the company for a while. It is the responsibility of a manager to choose how to encourage employees’ professional development both within and outside of the company.

7. They work with you to solve issues.

Ask what they need to complete the assignment if an employee has run into a roadblock or has a pressing deadline coming up; most importantly, wait for their suggestions. “Employees should look to you not to fix a problem for them but to empower them to find the right solution.If an employee is stuck, brainstorm solutions together. A good boss will help you and take care of challenges for you.

8. Possesses a strong team vision and strategy

Excellent leaders are fully aware of the team’s current situation, destination, and required actions. They assist the team in staying on task by maintaining effective communication. They also ensure that every team member is aware of their specific responsibility in carrying out the plan.

9. He should be a decision-maker.

The best managers are decided rather than impulsive. They proceed, even if it means coming to a judgment that not everyone will agree with, after learning the facts and taking into account the opinions and viewpoints of their teams.

10. They Honor Minor Successes.

Maintaining focus on the big picture is essential, but so is being grateful for small accomplishments along the road. It may have a lasting impact to take a minute to celebrate a victory, acknowledge an employee during a staff meeting.
